Community Service

Members of ACAP engage in regular service to the community in and around Waukesha.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not to share your gifts with him, but to reveal to him his own” ~Benjamin Disraeli

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a service that members of ACAP engage in twice per week. Picking up meal baskets, reading route lists, sorting individual meals, and delivering them to people around the town are part of the process. ACAP was the first service organization to volunteer with Meals on Wheels; since then a number of other civic groups have enlisted in this meal delivery program.

Hebron House
& Siena House Meal Program

Hebron House & Siena House meal program is an effort by ACAP members to address the immediate needs of people in crisis. Members donate money, shop for groceries, and then prepare a dinner for people who are living in these transitional living shelters. This outreach helps members focus on the needs of others in the community and employs their skills in planning and preparing meals.

Berkshire Shopping

Berkshire Shopping is a service ACAP members provide to an area senior living community. Members inventory and create a weekly shopping list from the Berkshire community, then practice shopping skills at an area supermarket, and finally, stock the shelves of the in-house store at Berkshire.

ACAP Members also volunteer at:

Retzer Nature Center doing ground maintenance along the accessible Adventure Trail, seed cleaning, AppleFest volunteer projects, and plant repotting.

HAWS doing animal care and socializing.

Plowshare Gifts doing customer service and merchandise stocking for this nonprofit fair trade store of the Peace and Justice Center.

Wildlife in Need Center doing animal care, maintenance of the animal area, and office work.